Registration at the Library and Information Centre (L.I.Ce.)

Only registered users may use the full spectrum of services provided by the L.I.Ce. Walk-in users are welcomed with limited access to services.

TUC members registration: TUC members having an academic ID, should bring the academic ID to the Circulation Desk to make it a library card. If not having an academic ID, the user must fill in an application form (found at the Circulation Desk), submit his/her ID or passport, a small photograph and student identity.

Non-TUC members registration: Residents of the City of Chania, must fill in the application form found at , submit his/her ID or passport, a small photograph and a bill showing the address of residency in Chania.

Users must always show their library card in every transaction with the L.I.Ce. Library card is strictly personal and can not be used by third parties. In case of library card loss or change in user contact info, L.I.Ce. must be notified.

Upon registration, the user agrees to comply with the L.I.Ce. regulations.

Loan Rules

Loan period varies according to user status, as shown in the table below:

User Status Books on loan Loan period
Faculty/teaching staff 25 books 3 months
Postgraduates 15 books 2 months
Undergraduates 5 books (& 10 textbooks) 20 days (&6 months)
External users 5 books 20 days
Administrative staff 5 books 20 days


Loan renewal: L.I.Ce. users are allowed to three (3) consecutive renewals to the material they have already borrowed, provided that it has not been reserved by another user.  Renewals can be done via personal contact, telephone, e-mail and user weblogin.

Material reservation:  L.I.Ce. users may reserve, upon request, an item that is currently on loan. In case that more than one reservations are placed on an item, they are accomplished in order of priority. In all cases, the user that requested the reservation is notified to collect the item.

Overdue loans: The L.I.Ce.imposes a daily penalty of 0,06 € for every overdue item. The maximum receivable fine is 15,00 €.

In case that an overdue item has been reserved, the penalty imposed increases to 0,59 € for the first 3 days of delay and  1,47 € for every further day. This increase does not apply during holidays.

Material recall: In cases of urgent need of a borrowed item, the L.I.Ce. has the right to recall it even if it is not overdue.

Conduct Rules

The smooth operation of TUC Library and Information Center requires good coordination between the users and the library staff, which is gained by following the instructions in using each service and by complying with the general regulation rules that are listed below:

  • Personal belongings of the users should be stored in the lockers provided inside the library building.
  • Consumption of food or drinks (except water) is not allowed.
  • Smoking is prohibited within the library building.
  • Use of mobile phones is not allowed. Keep your mobile phone in "quiet" mode.
  • Users should keep quiet during their stay in the Library. For group projects, special rooms for studying are provided.
  • Users should be careful using the material and the library equipment. Damage or theft of material is punished by the law.
  • Users should not relocate the material they use. Library staff takes care of that.
  • Users should kindly ask for information or help, from the librarian at the Circulation Desk.
  • Users should know that all library material is protected by electronic security system.

Users should get informed and abide by the rules as soon as they have registered as library members.