
Who is entitled to borrow material from the Library and Information Centre (L.I.Ce.) of the Technical University of Crete?

  • All members of the TUC community [students (undergraduate, postgraduate, Erasmus students), researchers, teaching staff, etc]
  • Residents of the Chania
  • Other Libraries (an agreement required)

What is required in order to borrow material?

In order to borrow material or to use any of the Library services, one should issue a Library Card at the Circulation Desk: a small photograph, identity id and academic id are required. One should also pre-register online. Residents of the City of Chania should also bring a document as evidence of their home address (e.g. a telephone bill).
The Library Card is personal. It can only be used by its holder. In case of loss or change of personal data (e.g. address, phone numbers, etc), the holder should inform the Library immediately.
The Library is obliged to protect the personal data of its members.

Which are the loan periods and the number of books that can be checked out in one Library Card?

In the following table you can see user groups, number of books for each group as well as loan periods per user group.


User Status Books on loan Loan period
Faculty/teaching staff 25 books 3 months
Postgraduates 15 books 2 months
Undergraduates 5 books (& 10 textbooks) 20 days (&6 months)
External users 5 books 20 days
Administrative staff 5 books 20 days

How can loan period be extended?

The material on loan may be renewed for three (3) consecutive times by the phone or at the Circulation Desk provided that it is not reserved by another user. To  have an item renewed for longer than 3 times, users should return it to the Circulation Desk, and borrow it again. This procedure should take place before the material's due date.

What can users do in case they need material already on loan?

In that case, the user can place a reservation for that material. As a result, the borrower must return it by its due date and the renewals are blocked. If there are more than one reservations for the same material, a list of priority is kept. The library staff contacts the users to receive the reserved material once it has been returned. The material is kept on the reservation shelf for 5 days.

 Are there any 'no loan' categories of material?

'No loan' categories include:

  • Reference Books
  • Journals
  • Audiovisual material
  • Reserve Collection material
  • Reprints

The user may study them inside the library building. Special equipment for audiovisual material is provided.

What happens in case of delayed return of the material?

The Library charges users with 0.06 euro per book for each day of delay. The limit of this charge is 15 Euros in total. In order to avoid such incidents, the Library informs the users by e-mail or printed reminders.In case that an overdue item has been reserved, the penalty imposed increases to 0,59 € for the first 3 days of delay and  1,47 € for every further day. This increase does not apply during holidays.

What happens in case of material damage or loss?

The user should replace the material at his/her own expense. If it is not possible to find exactly the same material, the user has to bring a book of a similar subject. The checked out material is in the user's responsibility during the loan period.

What happens in case of the attempt of theft or damage of the material at the Library?

The user, who tries to steal or damage books at the Library, is excluded from all library services and the library staff is obliged to report the incident to the administration.

What happens in case of library card loss?

The user should contact the library staff at the Circulation Desk as soon as possible in order to block the card. To issue a new one, a small photo and the identity card of the holder are needed.

What is material recall?

The Library is entitled to ask the immediate return of loaned material before the due day, in special cases. Users should comply with this action and return the material.

RFID System use in the Library

The Radio Frequency Identification System (RFID) was developed in the context of the "Open Access Digital Library Services of the Technical University of Crete" project, undertaken by the Library and Information Centre of the Technical University of Crete.  The project was funded by the "Digital Convergence" Program. From 30 June 2015 onwards, the Library moved from barcode system use to RFID system use, in the circulation and safety of its material.

Part of the RFID system is the Selfcheck station, which is located on the ground floor of the D1 Library building. The selfcheck station gives users the option to loan, return, renew the Library's material and to check their loan status.